Regional institutions in global “south”: the rationale of regional institutionalization in south america since the 21st century
Regional institutions in global “south”: the rationale of regional institutionalization in south america since the 21st century / Las instituciones regionales en el sur del globo: La lógica de las instituciones regionales en América del sur desde el si
Taeheok Lee; University of Ulsan
Particularly, beginning the 21st century the Political landscapesaliently changed and shifted to debunk the notion of “the end ofhistory” in South America. Several Latin American scholars including Bjorn Hettne, Osvaldo Sunkel, and Philippe De Lombaerde andthe international organizations including United Nations for LatinAmerican Economic Commission (UN ECLAC) have paid attentionto the left-leaning governments which have eventually governedthese states. In this vein, this study (as an initial step for the research proposal)attempts to understand the logic of (new) regionalism under globalismand particularly to contribute to its academic value. This study ismainly approaching the subject from a theoretical foundation in orderto understand and then to apply the rationale of politically-orientedregional institutions. En los últimos años, el “paisaje o territorio político” ha sido tannotablemente modificado y cambiado que se puede rechazar la ideade “final de la historia” en América del Sur, particularmente a partirdel siglo XXI. Diversos investigadores como Bjorn Hettne, OsvaldoSunkel y Philippe De Lombaerde, y también organizaciones internacionales como la Comisión Económica para América Latina y elCaribe de Naciones Unidas (CEPAL) han prestado atención a losdistintos gobiernos de izquierda que, eventualmente, han gobernadoen estos países.En este sentido, este estudio trata de comprender la lógica del “nuevo”regionalismo bajo la globalización y en particular para contribuir alos avances académicos en esta área. Este estudio pretende sobre todoaproximarse a la formación de una base teórica para comprender yaplicar los fundamentos de las instituciones regionales que tienen másorientación política. De esta forma, se analizan no sólo los diversosaportes teóricos sobre la integración en América del Sur, sino también algunas de las principales variables claves de su evolución, en lascuales se posiciona la variable “identidad” como un tema fundamental.AbstractParticularly, beginning the 21st century the Political landscapesaliently changed and shifted to debunk the notion of “the end ofhistory” in South America. Several Latin American scholars including Bjorn Hettne, Osvaldo Sunkel, and Philippe De Lombaerde andthe international organizations including United Nations for LatinAmerican Economic Commission (UN ECLAC) have paid attentionto the left-leaning governments which have eventually governedthese states.In this vein, this study (as an initial step for the research proposal)attempts to understand the logic of (new) regionalism under globalismand particularly to contribute to its academic value. This study ismainly approaching the subject from a theoretical foundation in orderto understand and then to apply the rationale of politically-orientedregional institutions.