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Angström-Prescott equation coefficients to Parnaíba, Piaui State, Brazil
Coeficientes da equação de Angström-Prescott para Parnaíba, Piauí
Júnior, Aderson Soares de Andrade
Noleto, Donavan Holanda
Silva, Maria Eveline da
Braga, Darlan Leão
Bastos, Edson Alves
The objective of this work was to estimate a and b coefficients of Angström-Prescott equation for Parnaíba, Piaui State, Brazil. Data from 2004 to 2010 of global solar radiation, collected from weather automatic station and data of duration of sunshine, collected from conventional station, were used. The weather automatic station, installed at Embrapa Mid North, belong to INMET network. Angström- Prescott coefficients were determined by linear regression analysis considering rainy (from January to May) and dry (from June to December) season and annual periods. Seasonal coefficients a and b were 0.3107 ± 0.007 and 0.5383 ± 0.012 (rainy season) and 0.3130 ± 0.011 and 0.5086 ± 0.014 (dry season). Annual coefficients a and b were 0.3207 ± 0.006 e 0.4598 ± 0.009, respectively. The seasonal and annual coefficients showed no significant differences. Therefore, the adoption of annual coefficients is recommended. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os coeficientes a e b da equação de Angström-Prescott, para Parnaíba, Piauí. Foram utilizados dados de radiação solar global, no período de 2004 a 2010, de uma estação agrometeorológica automática, e de insolação, de uma estação convencional, ambas da rede do INMET e instaladas na Embrapa Meio-Norte. Os coeficientes foram determinados por análise de regressão linear, para os períodos chuvoso (meses de janeiro a maio), seco (meses de junho a dezembro) e anual. Os coeficientes a e b foram iguais a 0,3107 ± 0,007 e 0,5383 ± 0,012 (período chuvoso) e 0,3130 ± 0,011 e 0,5086 ± 0,014 (período seco), respectivamente. Os coeficientes anuais a e b foram iguais a 0,3207 ± 0,006 e 0,4598 ± 0,009, respectivamente. Os coeficientes sazonais e anuais não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si, sendo, portanto, recomendado a adoção dos coeficientes anuais, independentemente da época do ano. Angström-Prescott equation coefficients to Parnaíba, Piaui State, BrazilThe objective of this work was to estimate a and b coefficients of Angström-Prescott equation forParnaíba, Piaui State, Brazil. Data from 2004 to 2010 of global solar radiation, collected from weatherautomatic station and data of duration of sunshine, collected from conventional station, were used.The weather automatic station, installed at Embrapa Mid North, belong to INMET network. Angström-Prescott coefficients were determined by linear regression analysis considering rainy (from Januaryto May) and dry (from June to December) season and annual periods. Seasonal coefficients aand b were 0.3107 ± 0.007 and 0.5383 ± 0.012 (rainy season) and 0.3130 ± 0.011 and 0.5086 ± 0.014(dry season). Annual coefficients a and b were 0.3207 ± 0.006 e 0.4598 ± 0.009, respectively. Theseasonal and annual coefficients showed no significant differences. Therefore, the adoption ofannual coefficients is recommended.