Problematization of the complexity of thought systems: an epistemological model for empirical research on paradigms
Problematización de la complejidad de los sistemas de pensamiento: un modelo epistemológico para la investigación empírica de los paradigmas;
Problematization of the complexity of thought systems: an epistemological model for empirical research on paradigms
Rodríguez Zoya, Leonardo Gabriel
This paper revisits one of the most relevant aspects of Edgar Morin’s work: the problematization of paradigms and organization of thought systems. Likewise, the paper elaborates a strategy for overcoming one of the stronger limitations of its work: the lacks of an empirical methodology to develop the complex thought in the domain of scientific research. This paper is organized as follows. First, we problematize the complexity of thought systems. Second, we propose and develop the category of complex problems. Finally, we outline an epistemological model for empirical research on paradigms. Este trabajo recupera uno de los aspectos más relevantes de la obra de Edgar Morin: la problematización del paradigma y la organización de los sistemas de pensamiento. Asimismo, elabora una estrategia para superar una de las más fuertes limitaciones de su obra: la carencia de una metodología empírica para desarrollar el pensamiento complejo en el plano de la investigación científica. La estrategia argumental está organizada en tres momentos. Primero se problematiza la complejidad de los sistemas de pensamiento. Segundo se elabora el concepto de problemas complejos. Tercero se propone un modelo epistemológico para la investigación empírica de los paradigmas. This paper revisits one of the most relevant aspects of Edgar Morin’s work: the problematization of paradigms and organization of thought systems. Likewise, the paper elaborates a strategy for overcoming one of the stronger limitations of its work: the lacks of an empirical methodology to develop the complex thought in the domain of scientific research. This paper is organized as follows. First, we problematize the complexity of thought systems. Second, we propose and develop the category of complex problems. Finally, we outline an epistemological model for empirical research on paradigms.