Evaluation of radical scavenging properties and the protective role of papaya fruits extracts against oxidative stress in rats fed aflatoxin-contaminated diet

dc.creatorHassan, Nabila S.
dc.creatorAbdel-Wahhab, Khaled G. Abdel-Wahhab G.
dc.creatorKhadrawy, Yasser A. Khadrawy A.
dc.creatorEl-Nekeety, Aziza A. El-Nekeety A.
dc.creatorMannaa, Fathia A. Mannaa A.
dc.creatorAbdel-Wahhab, Mosaad Attia
dc.descriptionThis study aimed to determine the total phenols and DPPH scavenging properties of aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts of papaya fruits in vitro and to evaluate their hepatoprotective effects against aflatoxicosis in vivo. Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups and treated for 4 weeks including  the control group, the group fed aflatoxins-contaminated diet (2 mg/ kg diet); the group treated orally with EE (250 mg/kg b.w); the group treated orally with AE (250 mg/ kg b.w); the groups fed AFs-contaminated diet and treated with EE or AE. At the end of the treatment period, blood and liver samples were collected for biochemical, histological and histochemical study. The results revealed that AE has higher total phenol content and DPPH scavenging activity if compared to EE. The in vivo results indicated that animals fed AFs-contaminated diet showed significant biochemical, histological and histochemical changes typical to those reported in the literature. Animals treated with the extracts and AFs showed a significant improvement in all biochemical parameters, histological and histochemical picture of the liver. This improvement was more pronounced in the group treated with AE. It could be concluded that papaya fruits can be used as a functional dietary ingredient to reduce hepatotoxicity.
dc.descriptionThis study aimed to determine the total phenols and DPPH scavenging properties of aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts of papaya fruits in vitro and to evaluate their hepatoprotective effects against aflatoxicosis in vivo. Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups and treated for 4 weeks including  the control group, the group fed aflatoxins-contaminated diet (2 mg/ kg diet); the group treated orally with EE (250 mg/kg b.w); the group treated orally with AE (250 mg/ kg b.w); the groups fed AFs-contaminated diet and treated with EE or AE. At the end of the treatment period, blood and liver samples were collected for biochemical, histological and histochemical study. The results revealed that AE has higher total phenol content and DPPH scavenging activity if compared to EE. The in vivo results indicated that animals fed AFs-contaminated diet showed significant biochemical, histological and histochemical changes typical to those reported in the literature. Animals treated with the extracts and AFs showed a significant improvement in all biochemical parameters, histological and histochemical picture of the liver. This improvement was more pronounced in the group treated with AE. It could be concluded that papaya fruits can be used as a functional dietary ingredient to reduce hepatotoxicity. Avaliação das propriedades radicais de limpeza e o papel protetor deextratos de frutos de mamão contra o estresse oxidativo em ratosalimentados com dieta contaminada com aflatoxinas.ResumoEste estudo teve como objetivo determinar o teor de fenóis e propriedades de remoção deDPPH em extratos aquosos (AE) e etanólicos (EE) de frutos de mamão in vitro e avaliar seus efeitoshepatoprotetores contra aflatoxicose in vivo. Sessenta fêmeas Sprague-Dawley foram divididas emseis grupos e foram tratadas durante 4 semanas, sendo o grupo de controle, o grupo alimentadocom a dieta contaminada com aflatoxinas-(2 mg / kg de dieta), o grupo tratado oralmente comEE (250 mg / kg de peso corporal); o grupo tratado por via oral com AE (250 mg / kg de pesocorporal), os grupos alimentados com dieta AFS contaminado e tratado com EE ou AE. No finaldo período de tratamento, as amostras de sangue e do fígado foram colhidas para estudosbioquímicos, histológicos e histoquímicos. Os resultados revelaram que AE tem maior teor defenóis totais e atividade DPPH se comparado a EE. Os resultados in vivo indicaram que os animaisalimentados com a dieta AFs contaminado mostraram significativas alterações bioquímicas,histológicas e histoquímicas, típicas dos relatos na literatura. Os animais tratados com os extratose AFS apresentaram uma melhora significativa em todos os parâmetros bioquímicos, quadrohistológico e histoquímico do fígado. Esta melhoria foi mais pronunciada no grupo tratado com AE.Pode-se concluir que os frutos de mamoeiro podem ser usados como um ingrediente funcional nadieta para reduzir a hepatoxicidade. 
dc.publisherFederal University of Piauí
dc.sourceComunicata Scientiae; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2013); 43-57
dc.sourceComunicata Scientiae; v. 4 n. 1 (2013); 43-57
dc.subjectoxidative stress
dc.subjectCarica papaya
dc.subjectEvaluation of radical scavenging properties and the protective role of papaya fruits extracts against oxidative stress in rats fed aflatoxin-contaminated dietAflatoxins
dc.subjectoxidative stress
dc.titleEvaluation of radical scavenging properties and the protective role of papaya fruits extracts against oxidative stress in rats fed aflatoxin-contaminated diet
dc.titleEvaluation of radical scavenging properties and the protective role of papaya fruits extracts against oxidative stress in rats fed aflatoxin-contaminated diet

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