dc.contributorHall, Eric R
dc.contributorUniversity of British Columbia
dc.creatorBarañao, Pablo Andrés
dc.descriptionActivated Sludge Model N°3 (ASM3) was chosen as a basis to model an activated sludge system treating effluents from a mechanical pulp and paper mil!. The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) selected, located in Port Albemi, consists of a pH adjuster, primary clarifier (not modeled), five complete mixed bioreactors in series, and a secondary clarifier. The plant treats an average of 74,000 rn3d4 , with the foliowing average influent characteristics (primary effluent): COD of 594 g m 3 , BOD of 250 g rn 3, TSS of 27 g m 3 , pH of 7.2, and temperature of 32°C. A simplified version of the ASM3 model (excluding nitrification and anoxic conditions) was successfiully calibrated for this p!ant. A single set of parameters, with minor variations, was able to fit a variety of batch test respirographs, and performed relatively well when a full-scale simulation was performed using the calibrated parameters values over a time period of nine days. Three measurement campaigns were undertaken in order to calibrate the model properly. The rnost sensitive parameters (Y sTo, YFI, bH, ksTo, PH, KSTO, and kH), as well as the wastewater influent COD fractions (S1, S5, X1, and Xs), were evaluated using three cornplementary tools: batch respirometric tests, analytical measurements, and mass balance equations. Even though the authors of ASM3 advises not to apply that model for industrial wastewaters and outside the temperature range of 8 - 23°C, the model was found suitable for modelling the COD removal in a WWTP treating pulp and paper effluents at temperatures around 32°C. The importance of this finding is that the application of widely used modeis, developed originally for municipal wastewater, in pu!p and paper applications would sirnp!ify considerably the task of rnodelling and designing WWTP for this industry. Sorne assumptions of the model, however, proved not to be app!icable and sorne adjustment would be necessary in building a dynamic model for the treatment of these effluents. The least sensitive parameters were not calibrated, so they were either assurned from the literature (fs1, fx, Kx, and Ks) or assumed to be equal to other estimated parameters (bsTo afld °T,bsto, assumed to be equal to bH and 0T,bH respectively). Sensitivity and structural identifiability analysis were also performed of the ASM3 simplified model. Only the calibration of the heterotrophic growth rate (!IH) presented sorne identifiability problerns, which were solved by estimating an auxiliary parameter (tOBS), A few novel calibration procedures were developed for estimating sorne of the parameters (bH, OT,bH), which could be used for any type of effluents. In addition, different methods were used for the estimation of many of the model parameters and wastewater fractions, and sorne recommendations were done in order to select the best method for estimating different model cornponents.
dc.descriptionMaster of Applied Sciences
dc.relationinstname: Conicyt
dc.relationreponame: Repositorio Digital RI2.0
dc.relationinstname: Conicyt
dc.relationreponame: Repositorio Digital RI2.0
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
dc.titleModelling carbon oxidatión in pull mill activated sludge systems: calibratión of asm3.
dc.typeTesis Magíster

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