dc.contributorRust, Alison
dc.creatorContreras-Hidalgo, Claudio Ignacio
dc.descriptionThe understanding of silicic eruptive transitions is key to mitigating the potential hazards of future eruptions. The diversity of rhyolitic eruptive products formed during a single eruption phase in the Laguna del Maule volcanic complex (LdM) allows the study of the factors governing the eruptive transitions. In this thesis, the reconstruction of the eruption histories, the processes preluding the transitions to effusive phases, the magma permeabilities, and the magmatic storage and ascent conditions are studied for the two first (Laguna del Maule and Los Espejos) and the youngest (Las Nieblas) postglacial rhyolites of LdM. The rhyolite of Laguna del Maule is the most voluminous rhyolitic deposit formed during a high explosive eruption due to the interaction of silicic melts with deeper and hotter mafic-to-intermediate magmas. The younger rhyolites did not interact with mafic magmas and were formed during smaller eruptions. The rhyolite of Los Espejos (rle) began with a phreatomagmatic phase followed by a subplinian magmatic eruption which formed a fall deposit which has dense pumices and vesicular obsidian clasts before the transition to an effusive stage. The permeability of the rle pumices is high (>10-12 m2) due to their high anisotropy and the localization of the degassing in some wide and elongate bubbles. The permeability localization allowed effective outgassing despite the increasing bubble collapse and densification of magma during ascent. The effective outgassing together with a high total strain and a decrease of the magma ascent rate during the late stage of the subplinian eruption promoted the transition to the effusive phase. Unlike rle, the explosive-effusive transition of Las Nieblas (rln) eruption was promoted by a rapid decrease of the magma ascent rate based on the glassy groundmass of the obsidian lavas.
dc.descriptionThis work was supported by Becas Chile PhD scholarship [grant number 72160339 CC]. Thanks go to Luis Torres, local authority of Laguna del Maule, for his assistance on logistics and boat trips; to Barbara Buono-Core, Carolina Geoffroy, Rayen Gho, Christian Pizarro and Florencia Rosas, students of University of Chile, for their assistance in field; to Marcelo Cortés for the use of the He-pycnometer in SERNAGEOMIN; to Chris Pangalos and Charles Clapham for the design and fruitful conversations about the permeability measurements; to Tom Davies for his helpful assistance in the use of the X-ray tomography and the softwares for imaging processing; to Stuart Kearns and Ben Buse for their assistance and guidance with microprobe analysis; and to Ángelo Castruccio, Judy Fierstein, Miguel Ángel Parada, Jenny Riker, and Stephen Sparks for her fruitful comments about the volcanic field and fundamentals of volcanic systems.
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
dc.subjectoecd::Ciencias Naturales ::Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medio Ambiente
dc.titleSilicic eruptive transitions of Laguna del Maule

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