Large subclonal variation in Phytophthora infestans populations associated with Ecuadorian potato landraces
Plant Pathology 62(5):1081–1088
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*EC-INIAP-BEESC-MGC. Quito (Plant Pathology 62(5):1081–1088)
Delgado, Ricardo
Monteros, Alvaro
Li, Y.
Visser, R.G.F.
Lee, T.A.J. van der
Vosman, B.
The population of Phytophthora infestans on potato landraces in three provinces (Carchi, Chimborazo and Loja) of Ecuador was analysed. All isolates (n = 66) were of the A1 mating type. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) were used to assess the genetic diversity of the isolates. The P. infestans isolates from the potato landraces grouped in a single clade together with reference isolates belonging to the clonal lineage EC-1. In the 66 SSR profiles obtained, 31 multilocus genotypes were identified. The 66 isolates constituted 49 different races according to the Solanum demissum differential
set (R1 to R11). The P. infestans population was complex and virulent on 4 to 11 R genes. Analysis showed that the subclonal variation in the Ecuadorian EC-1 clone is increasing over time and is much larger than clonal variation in lineages in the Netherlands and Nicaragua, suggesting high mutation rates and little or no selection in Ecuador.