Potato quality traits: variation and genetics in Ecuadorian potato landraces
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*EC-INIAP-BEESC-MGC. Quito (T/C965p)
Cuesta Subía, Hugo Xavier
The quality in potato is defined as the sum of favorable characteristics of the tuber A complex set of external and internal quality traits are required for fresh and processing potatoes. External quality traits include tuber shape, eye depth, skin and flesh color but also dormancy and greening are important. Internal quality traits include the content of dry matter (DMC), reducing sugars (RSC), glycoalkaloids (TGA), enzymatic discoloration (ED) and nutritional quality. In this thesis we identified the potato "ideotype" required for the Ecuadorian fresh market and studied the variation for the main quality traits for the fresh and processing market in a representative group of Ecuadorian potato landraces. Furthermore, Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers were used to identify Quantitative Trait Loci (OILs) for important traits as tuber shape, eye depth, skin characteristics and flesh color in a mapping population CHAR-01 based on S. phureja landraces.