Diseño y construcción de un banco de pruebas para medir las potencias de entrada y salida de una turbina tesla para el laboratorio de Turbomaquinaria de la Facultad de Mecánica
2023-06-14Registro en:
Albán Chugchilan, Juan Andrés; Aulla Yambay, Nelson Geovanny. (2023). Diseño y construcción de un banco de pruebas para medir las potencias de entrada y salida de una turbina tesla para el laboratorio de Turbomaquinaria de la Facultad de Mecánica. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Albán Chugchilan, Juan Andrés
Aulla Yambay, Nelson Geovanny
This project arose from the need of students in the Mechanical Engineering faculty to have a test
bench to analyze the conversion of hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and understand the
underlying physical principles of a Tesla turbine. Therefore, the objective of this research was to
design and construct a test bench to measure the input and output powers of a Tesla turbine while
varying the operating conditions for the Turbomachinery laboratory of the Mechanical
Engineering faculty. The test bench implementation followed the VDI 2221 methodology, which
generated a list of requirements to meet the student's needs. Regarding the design of the hydraulic
system, it began with the pump selection, followed by the creation of the turbine, where the
characteristics of the discs were established. Data extraction was performed using flow, pressure,
angular velocity, voltage, and current sensors connected to a Nextion display. The structure was
analyzed and validated using ANSYS and SAP 2000 software. Experimental tests were conducted
at different degrees of valve opening to control the flow rate and analyze the integrity of each
element during system operation to validate the prototype. The sensor error ranges were also
evaluated by comparing them with analog instruments. It was concluded that the turbine achieves
an efficiency of 33% at 30.16 rad/s under favorable conditions and at the maximum valve opening
range, with a minimum flow rate of 17 LPM for operation.