Construcción de un impeller semiabierto para una bomba centrifuga P812/16 mediante ingeniería inversa
2022-08-18Registro en:
Toaquiza Tipán, Cristina Vanessa. (2022). Construcción de un impeller semiabierto para una bomba centrifuga P812/16 mediante ingeniería inversa. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Toaquiza Tipán, Cristina Vanessa
The objective of this research was to carry out the manufacturing process of a piece with complex
geometry such as centrifugal pumps, through the application of different machining methods,
from the most common such as: reverse engineering through the use of the 3D scanner, 3D
printing and foundry, even the lesser known, such as the use of a 5-axis CNC machine tool,
allowing this project to help new research in the future. For the design and construction of the
semi-open Impeller, different methodologies were analyzed that allowed us to focus on aspects
related to the design carried out in three CAD, CAE and CAM software; where in CAD the
digitization of the pieces was carried out by means of a 3D scanner and modeling, later an export
was elaborated in CAE, where the geometric characteristics were evaluated, subsequently in an
automatic way the G-CODE code was generated, this coding assisted in the grinding of the casting
with an oversizing of the semi-open Impeller using the 5-axis CNC machine. Finishing with an
analysis of mechanical properties, manufacturing time, monetary value, and useful life of the
pieces with the different methods developed, resulting in the 3D scanning process, ending with
3D printing in special engineering resin or with machining directly from the raw material. It is
concluded that reverse engineering by means of sophisticated equipment available to the
institution, such is the case of the "SENSE" scanner, allowed facilitating the digitalization of the
complex geometry of the semi-open Impeller. Different processes are recommended for a
manufacture of the semi-open Impeller developed with greater efficiency in mechanical