Desarrollo de un sistema interactivo utilizando Kinect para la evaluación del coeficiente intelectual en niñas en situación de riesgo de 10 a 12 años de la Fundación Laura Vicuña.
2020-02-02Registro en:
Quinatoa Guano, María José; Tixi Gallegos Erika Viviana. (2020). Desarrollo de un sistema interactivo utilizando Kinect para la evaluación del coeficiente intelectual en niñas en situación de riesgo de 10 a 12 años de la Fundación Laura Vicuña. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Quinatoa Guano, María José
Tixi Gallegos Erika Viviana
We developed an interactive system in the current curriculum integration work utilizing kinect to evaluate the intelligence quotient (IQ) in girls from 10 to 12 years old under risky situation. The evaluation system called “SEIK” has 4 tasks developed, in which comprehension, thinking differentiation skills and special perception are evaluated. To develop the system we used the agile software development methodology SCRUM which requires value delivery and parts of the final product in short periods of time to the user. We utilized the C Sharp programming language with Visual Studio as a tool of development and the WPF Api to create rich and sophisticated user interfaces which provides a declarative model for applications because it utilizes Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and the software development kit (SDK) from Kinect to use the functions of this device. When the development phase was completed, it was evaluated and we did a survey to the professionals in charged for the usability testing and we carried out system functional testing for the reliability evaluation based on the requirements. Once the results were analyzed, we concluded that the system and the use of Kinect provide acceptable levels of usability and an acceptable level related to reliability for the IQ evaluation. We recommend the creation of new technological tools applied to psychology for vulnerable users.