Reading comprehension material based on ecuadorian annotated folk tales for high school learners of english as a foreign language.
Valverde Ronquillo, Bryan Alejandro
Piedra Rivera, Tatiana Michelle
This conceptual research aimed at making local culture-based literary English
texts available for EFL teachers and high school teenage students. Through
digital and physical search of Ecuadorian literature written in English, it was
evidentthat there was a lack of such literature.Therefore, the work undertaken
consisted of addressing local culture-based EFL material scarcity, the poor
diffusion of Ecuadorian culture in EFL classrooms, and the unbalanced use of
foreign literary work through the translation of the book “Mitos y Leyendas
Ecuatorianas” and the creation of reading comprehension resources. This
project considered the different criteria for the selection of texts and the diverse
translation approaches to prove the suitability of the communicative approach
for the selected literary work. Subsequently,several excerpts of the text were
extracted and analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the communicative
translation approach and to make evident the appropriateness of the chosen
vocabulary that matches the learners’ proficiency level and lexical coverage.
In addition, an online booklet was designed and proposed for future
implementation in EFL classrooms. Thus, the significance of this project relies
on the need to preserve students’ identity and culture, their capability to share
their folklore, and the development of reading comprehension skills with
content that is familiar to them.