Using graded readers for engaging CEFR A2 students to read for pleasure at Universidad Politecnica Salesian.
Vasco Muñoz, Jessica Isabel
This study reports on the use of graded readers as a vehicle to motivate
students to read more in English. A month period was devoted for the
implementation of this project. The participants of this study were twenty-seven
students who belonged to the group 4202 which corresponds to an elementary
level at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana in Guayaquil-Ecuador. The
participants were asked to choose graded readers at the library of the
university. Data obtained through speaking and writing diagnostic tests, a
questionnaire about motivation and reading habits, quizzes, and interviews
showed that using graded readers resulted in students’ improvement in
vocabulary and writing skills. A mixed-methods approach was applied in order
to integrate quantitative and qualitative data. The focus was based on action
research for the betterment of reading practices. Likewise, this study examines
how an appropriate selection of books can affect students’ perceptions about
the work with graded readers