Use of technological resources in the development of listening and speaking skills of EFL Learners in the Third Baccalaureate – Computer Science, at Amarilis Fuentes Alcivar High School.
Ortiz David, Mónica Ruth
This study was conducted to examine Third Baccalaureate - Computer Science -
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ academic performance in listening
and speaking, with the purpose of establishing what activities were encouraging or
preventing the development of their listening and speaking skills. A mixed
approach was used for collecting data; the application of official listening and
speaking tests, two surveys, a rubric, and a classroom observation tool, helped
obtained results to address the purpose of this investigation, and to write a plan of
action to contribute in the progression of both skills. The tests results showed that
most of the students have difficulty in discriminative listening, listening
comprehension, oral production and oral interaction. Additionally, classes are
mostly teacher-centered, and the activities practiced in class seem to be too
difficult to accomplish, or the students have not reached the expected English
proficiency level prior to graduation, B1. Students believe the use of technology
will be of great help and motivation, although they approve the use of traditional
teaching techniques of watching videos, practicing interviews, etc. Teachers also
concur on the need of using platforms and applications to teach listening and
speaking. Therefore, both teachers and students are aware of the factors that
hinder students’ performance of listening and speaking skills, and on the ones that
could improve it. The design of a syllabus that includes the use of technological
resources in listening and speaking classes is included in this research project to
address the problem of investigation.