Implementing a guide of analytic rubrics in the assessment of speaking skill of A1 Level Students at the Language Center at Universidad Técnica de Machala (UTMACH).
Lupercio Cobeña, Micaela Janneth
García Luna, Verónica Marbel
One of the main challenges faced by EFL instructors in higher education is to
determine with accuracy the level of improvement attained in the speaking skill
of their learners. The present research project has the purpose of
consolidating the implementation of effective assessment tools that strengthen
the monitoring of how L2 oral productive language skills are developed at the
Language Center at Universidad Técnica de Machala (UTMACH). This study
was conducted under the premises of action research where quantitative and
qualitative methods were applied. To begin, a review of the literature was
performed considering the relevance and setbacks of L2 speaking assessment
taking into account the elements of oral production. Afterwards, an analysis of
how analytic rubrics contribute to find strengths and detect weaknesses in the
speaking performance of target students. The research hereunder gathered
data by means of surveys on both teachers and students, interview of EFL
educators, and class observation reports. The information obtained went
through a qualitative-quantitative analysis providing elements of judgment to
conclude that in general, oral examinations lacked of analytic rubrics in
detriment of the formative assessment. Thereupon, a proposal was prepared
to cope with the aforementioned academic issue. It consisted of the
elaboration of a booklet with guidelines to implement speaking rubrics
efficiently during the English teaching-learning process.