Examen complexivo de grado
Homosexual, no amanerado.
Ordóñez Matamoros, Eduardo Andrés
En el presente trabajo “Homosexual, No Amanerado”, cuyo objetivo fue describir, analizar, interpretar y argumentar, de forma metódica y empleando el marco teórico psicoanalítico, los mecanismos y fenómenos
que sustentan una estructura subjetiva, se abordó los elementos propios de la neurosis histérica masculina. Esteban, un joven de veintiocho años que acude a análisis ya que su anterior analista lo aburría, mostrando esto como el motivo de consulta manifiesto. A través de lo relatado por Esteban a su analista, se logró inquirir aquellos elementos que el psicoanálisis, principalmente la teoría lacaniana y freudiana, le atribuye a la neurosis histérica masculina. Durante el transcurso de la formalización del caso se logró establecer cómo a partir del trauma se configura el sujeto neurótico, llevándolo a forjar un fantasma que operará desde el inconsciente y a su vez se establecerán los significantes que se articulan al mismo. El análisis del
caso se dio mediante las diferentes escenas narrativas que manifiesta el sujeto y para dicho fin se utilizó el método clínico o método de estudio de casos, donde se logró identificar manifestaciones que abordan los
recuerdos, los sueños y narrativas de su vida cotidiana, logrando así llegar al motivo latente de la consulta. In the present work "Homosexual, Not Affected", whose objective was to describe, analyze, interpret and argue, in a methodical way and using the psychoanalytic theoretical framework, the mechanisms and phenomena that
sustain a subjective structure, the specific elements of the neurosis were approached male hysterical Esteban, a twenty-eight-year-old young man who goes to analysis because his previous analyst bored him, showing this as the reason for his manifest consultation. Through what Esteban told his analyst, he was able to inquire into those elements that psychoanalysis, mainly the Lacanian and Freudian theory, attribute to the male hysterical neurosis. During the course of the formalization of the case, it was possible to establish how the neurotic subject is formed from the trauma, leading it to forge a phantom that will operate from the unconscious and in turn establish the signifiers that are articulated to it. The analysis of the case was made through
the different narrative scenes that the subject manifests and for this purpose the clinical method or case study method was used, where he was able to identify manifestations that address the memories, dreams and narratives of his daily life, and reach the latent reason for the consultation.