Annotated translation of the book Taylor de los lobos.
Kuhlmey Sonja, Andrea
This research project has been developed under three main considerations. First, the analysis of the translation of the Ecuadorian novel Taylor de los lobos by Dr. Salomón Doumet Vera at the extralinguistic and linguistic level, which shows the different types of problems that arise when attempting to translate Ecuadorian literature and provides techniques on how to tackle such problems. Second, the product of this research paper, which is the translation into English, facilitates the novel and the author to be known and recognized on a global scale. Third, the novel shows many features of the Ecuadorian culture; the translation introduces Ecuador¿s reality and its problems to the world, which then can react to it, providing solutions for those enrooted social problems. To carry out the analysis proposed, extralinguistic and linguistic analysis sheets were used. The extralinguistic analysis sheet is based on different elements that appeared within the ST, and the linguistic analysis sheet is based on Hervey¿s et al. (2006) levels of textual variables.