The effects of metacognitive strategies on the english communicative skills of 4th year students
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Ortega Tumbaco, Marixui Auxiliadora; Sarmiento Torres, Andrea Mishell (2018). The effects of metacognitive strategies on the english communicative skills of 4th year students. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 78 p.
Ortega Tumbaco, Marixui Auxiliadora
Sarmiento Torres, Andrea Mishell
By the time, education is faced news challenges in where the students often are having difficulties with oral production. This research project is focused on the main problem presented on fourth year students, whom dislikes speaking in class because they do not feel a good environment for them which affect their emotional and cognitive process in which these complements combine with a low participation and limits the results of the students in this learning acquisition process.
One reason that students avoid to communicate even when the topics are interesting or related with their hobbies or likes that permits the interaction goes on between themselves, but the lack of interest deals with a result that we are presenting. They may not give accurate answers or students may not know the real cause or reason that cut connection between teacher and student sometimes students feel a bad sensation or they think that speaking is the worst thing in the world but this may not be the reason for avoiding speaking………..