Vocabulary acquisition and its incidence on oral ability development in junior high school students at América del Sur school in Duran-Ecuador year 2015
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Vera Quijije, Jessenia Magaly; Fuentes Salazar, Teresa Denisse (2016). Vocabulary acquisition and its incidence on oral ability development in junior high school students at América del Sur school in Duran-Ecuador year 2015. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 78 p.
Fuentes Salazar, Teresa Denisse
Vera Quijije, Jessenia Magaly
The main goal of this project is to determine the incidence of vocabulary acquisition on oral ability development in Junior level adolescents at America del Sur School in Duran-Ecuador. Data for this research were gathered through a deep investigation of famous theorists and linguists that have proposed their thoughts and studies through the time such as Noam Chomsky, Pavlov, Skinner, David Ausubel, and Carl Rogers, their theories were very important in order to carry out this project. Methods such as: Communicative language teaching (CLT), Direct Method, and Task-based language learning (TBL), have been chosen and adapted to the topic in order to facilitate the motivation and learning for the students. One of the most important results of this project can be the use of techniques and resources in order to follow appropriate strategies for students to motivate and make them catch the necessary attention for producing meaningful communication through vocabulary acquisition.
The purpose of this research project was achieved, students improved their oral communication skills, and researchers recommend teachers the most appropriate methods, techniques and strategies to teach vocabulary……….