Enhancing english language learning through multiple intelligences activities in students of 6 th year of general basic education at unidad educativa abaris
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Rodríguez Cedeño, Tania Priscila; Silva Berrúz, Elizabeth Carolina (2013). Enhancing english language learning through multiple intelligences activities in students of 6 th year of general basic education at unidad educativa abaris. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 91 p.
Rodríguez Cedeño, Tania Priscila
Silva Berrúz, Elizabeth Carolina
This paper examines the application of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MI) through activities in students of elementary level. This research study is based on the concept developed by Howard Gardner which is centered on the importance of diversity understanding in today's classrooms and educational institutions, challenging the traditional view of intelligence. Based on this, we found the necessity to improve the performance of the students taking into consideration their most remarkable skills and develop the ones that are weak. This theory will help the students to increase their meaningful learning in the English subject. Gardner explains the presence of nine different types of intelligences which address the unique qualities and characteristics of individual learners. This view of Gardner’s will guide us to apply the most appropriate activities in the classroom.
The research study was designed as a quantitative case study which involves descriptive methodology with a particular sample of 22 students and 4 teachers at Unidad Educativa “Abaris”. The study collected data from multiple sources through: 1) Multiple Intelligence questionnaire, 2) worksheets, 3) Multiple Intelligences activities and 4) pre and posttest….