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Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador)
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Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador)
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Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador): últimos ingresos
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 658
Funding Structure and Financial Performance. Empirical Study in Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Segment 1 in Ecuador
Oñate-Paredes, Carlos Andrés; Noboa-García, Alfredo Paúl; Lima, Roberto Arruda de Souza; Verdugo-Morales, Nathaly Paulina
Quantitative Analysis of the Competitiveness of Exports of Malanga from Ecuador to the United States
Lizano-Arauz, Carlos David; Ronquillo-Bolaños, Carlos Leonardo; Román-Ordóñez, Freddy Guillermo; Vera-Loor, Rosa Yessenia
Evolution of the Preferential Trade Agreements Granted by the United States to Ecuador
Ramírez-Loayza, Diana Katherine; Castillo-Aguirre, Maria Margarita; Zamora-Campoverde , Michael Andrés
Repercussions of Teleworking During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Educational Field. Case of the Technical University of Machala
Montealegre-Ramón, Génesis Nayeli; Mendoza-Granda, Yanira Faviana; Jaya-Pineda , Iddar Iván
Study of Strategic Direction in Organizational Development in Latin America: A Literature Review (2009-2018)
Armijos-Robles, Lorenzo; Campos-Carrillo, Ariana; Hidalgo-Luzuriaga, Yesenia
Changes in Public Administration and their Impact on the Control System in Ecuador
Subía-Guerra, Jaime; Mantilla-Garcés, Diego Marcelo
Financing of SMEs, Recreational Tourist Centers, Sullana, Piura-Peru, 2016
Jurado-Rosas, Adolfo Antenor
Statistical Analysis of the Social Program for the Inclusion of People with Special Abilities in Guayaquil, 2018
Guime-Calero, Julio; Moscoso-Zamora, Víctor; Garzozi-Pincay, René
Analysis of the Repetition and its Impact on the Completion of the Program of Studies in the 2014 Cohort of the School of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Rivera-Gaibor, Juan Carlos; Pazmiño-Castillo, Gabriel Enrique; Cerda-Prado, Nelson Alberto
Market Failures and Public Intervention: A Vision from the Perspective of the Public Election in Ecuador, Period 2010-2018
Rizzo-Guambaña, Gabriel; Camacho-Estrada, Eugenia Floripez
Case Analysis of the Associative Management Model at Rural Level in Acopio de Fréjol, in the Commune Las Rocas Cantón Alausí, Province of Chimborazo
Enríquez-Estrella, Miguel Ángel; Montenegro-Flores, Karina Isabel
Comprehensive Risk Analysis in Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis
Revelo-Rosero, Jorge Enrique; Mancheno-Vaca, Carlos; Rodríguez-Herrera, Adriana
Application of the Multilevel Governance Framework: Public Policy ‘Mission House for All’
Sulca-Córdova, Gabriela Cecilia
Determinants in the Hiring of Workers by Ecuadorian Manufacturing Companies
Vargas-Bravo, Karen Paulina; Córdova-Coronel, Paula Andrea; Tonon-Ordóñez, Luis Bernardo
Traceability Features in the Development of the B2C e-Commerce Model
Zambrano-Izurieta, Joselyn Paulett; Mendoza-Barberán, Mishel Gema; Farez-Arias, Miriam del Rocío
The Great Recession and Heterodox Economic Thought: An Open Debate
Orozco-Suárez, Christian Rafael
Analysis of the Quality of the Pre-Investment Phase based on the Process Approach
Aguilera-García, Luis Alexis; Lores-Rodríguez, Yumelys; Lao-León, Yosvani Orlando; Moreno-Pino, Maira Rosario
Influence of Relational Marketing and Word of Mouth in Traditional Ecuadorian Gastronomy
Llangoma-Sisa, Christian Frank; Galarza-Reyes, Erick Steven; Ochoa-Ochoa, Bladimir Steve; Haro-Sosa, Giovanny Lenin
International Crisis of Containers in Banana Exports from Ecuador
Díaz-Cueva, Jimmy Gabriel; Montealegre-Lozano, Roland Joel
Supply Chain Management to Promote the Internationalization of SMEs from El Oro Province
Suárez-Solórzano, Tatiana Mercedes; Riofrío-Riera, Mirka Betzabeth; Benítez-Luzuriaga , Francisco Vladimir
2011 - 2020
2001 - 2010
1951 - 2000
1901 - 1950
1800 - 1900
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