Efficacy of treatment of localized and multiple class III-RT2 gingival recessions: A systematic review
Oyervide Soto, Angélica Catalina
Parra Martínez, Pablo Andrés
Background: Gingival recession is a problem that affects both the young population and the adult population, it is manifested by the exposure of the root surface due to a recession of the gingival margins, a large number of epidemiological studies have shown different results regarding the prevalence and severity of recessions. The main objective of the review continues to be associated with the choice of treatment for localized and multiple gingival recessions, having as a starting point that gingival recessions are defined as a more frequent aesthetic and functional defect within the oral cavity. This review followed the PRISMA guidelines. The searches were performed from PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and Web of Science without limitation of time or language until the year 2022. Of the 19 selected articles, only 6 articles were included due to the elimination of four due to being at risk of high bias. Among the main results, it is observed that the main techniques observed for the treatment of gingival recessions (single or multiple recession RT2/Miller III,) they are the free gingival graft, double pedicle flap, in addition to several modifications of the coronal displaced flap, coronal displaced flap in envelope and other currently proposed techniques such as the coronally advanced modified tunnel technique. However, despite the systematic review carried out, it is not possible to establish the most appropriate technique in the treatment of localized and multiple gingival recessions class RT2/Miller III, however, according to the authors studied, the coronally advanced flap technique (CAF) and its modifications, presenting better results in terms of root coverage.