Niveles de bienestar psicológico según características sociodemográficas en docentes de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad de Cuenca, período de 2022-2023
López Alvarado, Viviana Melanie
The psychological well-being is conceptualized as the development of capacities of people
and their personal growth. It may vary according socio-demographic factors such as gender,
age, socio-economic level and the partner’s status. The teaching implies a sum of liabilities,
involves social abilities, academic background, since the interaction with learners is vital for
the bidirectional performance between them. The teacher performance dimensions have a
proportionally direct relation with the psychological well-being. This study aimed for describing
the levels of the psychological well-being according the socio-demographic characteristics on
teachers from Faculty of Jurisprudence of the University of Cuenca, in the period 2022-2023.
The study follows a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional
and a descriptive reach. Work was carried out with 32 professors from the Faculty of
Jurisprudence. The instruments applied were the Ryff Scale of Psychological well-being,
adapted to the Spanish by Diaz and collaborators. This scale assesses the levels of
psychological well-being. The other instrument is a socio-demographic form developed by the
author. The most relevant results, it was found that university teachers from Faculty of
Jurisprudence have an appropriate level of psychological well-being, since the 80% of the
population is placed between a high level and an elevated level of general psychological wellbeing.
In terms of the variation of these socio-demographic characteristics, the male teachers, middle-aged
adults, who do not have a permanent contract, who are married and have reached the fourth level of education, have higher levels of global psychological well-being.