Plan estratégico para una empresa comercializadora de plástico ubicada en la ciudad de Cuenca, periodo 2023-2028
Peralta Arias, Jessica Fabiola
Quizhpi Alvarez, Sthefany Karina
The current integrative project was proposed because the owner of the company CP had
identified the need to reformulate the mission, vision and the creation of institutional values,
in order to have a clearer horizon of where to go in the future, in addition to convey this new
philosophy to its employees and thus achieve a greater sense of belonging, so an
intervention was conducted through workshops with all members of the company, in order
to meet this need. In addition, an internal and external analysis was carried out, which
contributed to the formulation of strategies, by taking advantage of the strengths and
opportunities to reduce weaknesses and defend against threats, likewise, different strategic
matrices were analyzed and developed to facilitate the development of the strategic plan
and the formulation of its value proposition. For the execution of certain strategies, the 2023
annual operating plan was elaborated, which includes a tentative schedule, resources,
budget, person in charge, indicator, measurement time and evidence for the fulfillment of
their respective actions.
Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the integrating project were drawn, where
a brief professional opinion on the findings was made, as well as several suggestions for the
improvement and growth of the company.