Comparativa del modelo de uso de billeteras digitales entre la generación X y millennials de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca basado en la teoría de riesgo percibido
Merchán Vega, Claudia Marcela
This investigation try to spot the factors that affect the use of transfers through digital wallets
in generation X and millennials, establishing the variables of possible influence based on the
theory of perceived risk and the theory of technological acceptance, also considering variables
demographics and payment behavior. For this study, second hand information sources were
reviewed and semi-structured interviews were conducted, to apply a survey to 359 people
between 27-57 years old, using a stratified random sampling with proportional allocation. A
descriptive and two-dimensional analysis was carried out on the collected data, as well as chisquare tests, means tests and dispersion analysis. Finally, logistic regression models were
run. As part of the results, it can be mentioned that being a millennial and paying with a credit
or debit card increases the willingness to make digital transfers. For generation X, it was found
that the higher the level of education and income, the probability of use increases. The
perception of utility also increases the willingness to make digital transfers, but the risk and
ease of use are not significant.