Creación y grabación (Home Studio) de cinco temas a partir del género de power metal
Santacruz Campos, Kléver Adrián
Metal is a style of music that enjoys great popularity around the world, today it has become a whole industry that has thrived over the last three decades. The following work consists of the creation and recording of five songs in Home Studio based on Power Metal. The first part consists of a clear foundation of the roots and beginnings of the subgenre, identifying
important characters, places where it started and factors that influenced its birth, so that the research conducted offers us a clear and objective look at Power Metal in its inception,
development, evolution and all the musical production that has been evidenced in this
subgenre. The second part refers to the creation of five songs, taking into account all the
necessary parameters that identify the genre, and all the specificities that refer to the Power Metal subgenre for the composition of five songs, in this part of the work the technological tools such as software and electronic components, are key to the development of models and thus shape the songs. The third phase details the history of analog recording in the music industry, how the Home Studio and its digital components emerged, from the incorporation of the computer in this field. Then, as a final part of this project, we have the recording of the five unreleased tracks, looking at the Home Studio as a modern tool.