Los PP GIS como geo-herramienta para el mapeo de zonas vulnerables, en el contexto de la planificación territorial: una revisión bibliográfica
Pacurucu Caceres, Natalia Elizabeth
Morocho Zurita, Carlos Villie
Technological advances have undoubtedly fueled the development of humanity. In the field of geospatial
sciences, the new technologies have significantly enhanced the generation and dissemination of knowledge
and information.
New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have the possibilities to reach citizens and
decision makers in planning processes. However, in the case of Ecuador, the applicability of ICT-tools
has not yet been proven. In addition, the lack of good cartographic information makes planning of the
territory difficult. One of the important areas for territorial planning is the consideration of the vulnerable
zones in which human activities are conditioned. However, information about these areas is not always
available and updated. Therefore, this research proposes to promote the use of PPGIS - Public Participatory
Geographical Information System - for mapping these areas, taking advantage of the use of new technology
and local knowledge of the population.