Dibujar la ciudad: el espacio público en la obra de Fausto Cardoso
Jiménez Sáez, Jordy David
The graphic representation is a first order tool for the architect in that
it accounts for the thought process and the training-investigation of
the most appropriate ways to give a real shape to a constructive
intuition. In this sense, this study aims to corroborate the importan-
ce of the architectural sketch for the development of architectural
projects for public space. To this end, the drawings of this type of ur-
ban architectural equipment by the architect Fausto Cardoso from
Cuenca are analyzed. Specifically, the sketches that led to the exe-
cution of three works are used as a sample: the Plaza del Herrero,
the Parque del Dragón, located in Cuenca, and the Plaza Cañari,
located in Azogues. Methodologically, graphoanalysis is used throu-
gh which an architectural ideation scheme is determined and then
goes towards the analysis of the sketch and towards the contrast of
the drawing with the concrete work. It is concluded that the gra-
phic work of Fausto Cardoso does not correspond to any ism due
to its mode of representation since the author uses the fast sketch
as a means of rapid communication, and the polished sketch when
it comes to revealing a meticulous and thoughtful work. When the
sketches are compared with the executed projects, it can be ob-
served that they vary in very few aspects with the project approa-
ches, which reiterates the importance of architectural drawing as a
fundamental tool for the development of urban architectural pro-
jects for public spaces, while allowing visualize and communicate
the design idea accurately, as well as solve problems raised during
the ideation and construction process.