Comportamientos repetitivos y restringidos de niños, niñas y adolescentes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista en Ecuador según percepciones de cuidadores primarios. Período 2022-2023
Guerrero Jiménez, Kattya Mineska
Repetitive and restricted behaviors (RRB) are part of the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD). These are usually linked to repetition, rigidity, invariance, and inadequacy, which could
interfere with daily routines and social development. It was recognized that the investigations
around this part of the symptoms are in the initial stage and in the Ecuadorian population there
are still no records. The general objective of this research was to describe the repetitive and
restricted behaviors of children and adolescents with ASD from the perception of primary
caregivers. A quantitative approach, type of non-experimental, cross-sectional design, and
descriptive scope were used. The sample was non-probabilistic for convenience, made up of a
base of 62 primary caregivers obtained from the project "Influence of the ethnic identity of
caregivers in coping with behavioral difficulties in minors with ASD and in children with intellectual
disabilities" who answered the questionnaire of repetitive and restricted behaviors (RQB) on
children and adolescents diagnosed with autism under their care and a sociodemographic file. As
the most relevant results, it was found that the caregivers perceived that the RRB of the children
and adolescents was present frequently or severely. The most notable or problematic behaviors
had to do with repetitive movements in the hands or fingers, insistence on playing the same game,
watching the same videos, listening to the same music, or reading the same book.