Análisis de la estabilidad de ángulo de un sistema de suministro de energía eléctrica con la incorporación de las energías renovables
López Bernal, Hugo David
Lozano Altamirano, Joselyn Paulina
Stability is an important part of the studies that are carried out on Energy Systems due to the
importance of knowing if the system is capable of returning to its equilibrium conditions after
a disturbance has occurred, the objective of the analysis being to observe if network
synchronism is lost in this multimachine model. The more generators, lines, loads, speed
controllers, and voltage regulators enter the system, the complexity of the system increases
and therefore a stability study becomes complicated to carry out with simple mathematical
models, using computational tools for this purpose.
The increasing insertion of renewable energies such as wind farms or photovoltaic plants in
transmission, subtransmission and/or distribution systems leads to questioning whether the
system's response to failures is modified and what degree of affect it would have.
In this article, the analysis of angle stability in an electric power supply system is disclosed,
the system under analysis is modeled with each of its elements and characteristics, this
system model has the particularity of being modified with the incorporation of renewable
energies; it focuses on the simulation of contingencies that allows the subtransmission system
to be analyzed when renewable energy sources have not been incorporated into the network
bars; and then, using the same contingencies, observe the behavior of the electrical system
when renewable energy sources have been incorporated in some bars of the system.