Guía didáctica para la enseñanza de la guitarra a estudiantes con discapacidad visual en la Universidad de Cuenca
Villavicencio Vanegas, David Fernando
This work of curricular integration presents a didactic guide for the teaching of the guitar in
students with visual disabilities of the University of Cuenca. The problem is based on the need to
adapt the methodology of teaching the guitar to the specific requirements of the visually impaired
student. The research adopts an applied, exploratory, and descriptive methodology, which
exposes different procedures for teaching the guitar through the Braille system. The guide has a
progressive design that allows visually impaired students to understand the different scales,
chords, arpeggios, technical aspects of the instrument and repertoire works, adjusting to their
physical requirements. The teaching methodology proposed in this guide seeks to encourage the
active participation of both the student and the teacher. For this, it adopts the constructivist
approach and uses the active methods of musical education proposed by the pedagogues
Martenot and Willems. These methods promote the development of listening skills, rhythmic,
creative work, experimentation, and sound exploration, which favors the technical and interpretive
growth of students with this disability.