Validación del cuestionario COPCORD para detección de enfermedades reumáticas CUENCA - ECUADOR
Vintimilla Ugalde, Jaime Fernando
Ochoa, Verónica
Pelaez Ballestas, Ingris
Feican Alvarado, Elsa Astrid
Guevara Pacheco, Sergio Vicente
Vintimilla Moscoso, Oscar Fernando
Objective: To validate the cultural adaptation of the instrument (Community Orientate Pro-gram in the Rheumatic Diseases) COPCORD to detect musculoskeletal pain and rheumatic diseases in the population of Cuenca.Methodology: A COPCORD transcultural ques-tionnaire validation and its application were made in the community to identify rheumatic symptoms. A rheumatologist doctor checked people to define the diagnosis. A descriptive statistical analysis of each variable was per-formed. Chronbach alpha, analysis screening test (sensitivity, specificity, and positive predic-tive value and roc curves) was measured.Results: A total of 201 people participated, 106 in urban areas and 95 in rural areas. The 67.6% were women with an average age of 50.3 years with 7.5 years in school. The 57.7% reported musculoskeletal pain with an inten-sity of 5.8 for VSA. Comparing the COPCORD questionnaire with the clinical assessment of the rheumatologist an 83.72% of sensitivity, was observed, specificity of 61.14%, probability of 2.18 and area under the curve of 0.72; with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7 for pain characteris-tics and 0,9 for functional capacity.Conclusion: The COPCORD questionnaire is valid for using in rural and urban populations in Ecuador; it demonstrated good performance as a screening test.