Gestión Participativa y Desarrollo Turístico de la Parroquia Columbe, Cantón Colta.
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Caiza Paucar, A.(2022) Gestión Participativa y Desarrollo Turístico de la Parroquia Columbe, Cantón Colta.(Tesis de Grado) Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Riobamba, Ecuador.
Caiza Paucar, Angel Mauricio
The objective of this research project is to analyze the influence between participatory management and local tourism development in the parish of Columbe, Canton Colta country. The research is correlational and descriptive, and the design is non-experimental with a population of 320 and a sample of the independent variable of 7 surveys applied to representatives of the decentralized autonomous rural parish government of Columbe, over 18 years old, and the dependent variable of 174 surveys applied to the inhabitants of the parish. The deficient tourism development is due to the scarce resources to optimize tourism development. To analyze the problem's research, the main causes were identified; the lack of interest of the authorities and the community, the lack of knowledge and little value given to the resources, and finally, the scarce public and private investment by the parish council. All of this hinders the coordination of activities aimed at strengthening tourism development. For this purpose, information was gathered through a FODA matrix of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats and a CPES cause, problem, effect, and solution that allowed for an exhaustive situational analysis of the real state of this place. Through hypothesis testing, it was demonstrated that "participatory management does not have a significant influence on tourism development in the parish of Columbe, Colta canton," and subsequently, a coherent proposal was put forward that will allow solving the parish's needs. Todo esto dificulta la coordinación de actividades encaminadas a fortalecer el desarrollo turístico. Para ello se recopilo información a través de una Matriz FODA fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades, amenazas y un CPES causa, problema, efecto y solución que permitió realizar un análisis situacional exhaustivo del estado real en el que se encuentra este lugar. Mediante la comprobación de hipótesis se demostró que la “gestión participativa no influye significativamente en el desarrollo turístico de la parroquia de Columbe, cantón Colta.” y posteriormente, se planteó una propuesta coherente que permitirá resolver las necesidades de la parroquia. UNACH, Ecuador