Efecto de varias densidades de siembra en zapallo (cucurbita moschata duch) variedad unapal bolo verde
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Gavica Guerrera,Jorge Luis.(2012).Efecto de varias densidades de siembra en zapallo (cucurbita moschata duch) variedad unapal bolo verde 68p.
Gavica Guerrera, Jorge Luis
At Hacienda "Santa Monica", Km 161/2 pathway San Carlos Campus Oro Verde, province of Los Rios, whose location is 1 ° 3 '18'' south latitude and 79 ° 25' 24 ' 'west longitude at an altitude of 78 meters. with a duration of 120 days, was put into effect the research entitled "EFFECT OF VARIOUS PLANTING DENSITIES IN PUMPKIN (Cucúrbita moschata Duch.) Bolo Unapal VARIETY Green".
The factors were studied, four plant spacing design in randomized complete block (RCBD) with four treatments and four replicates to determine differences between treatment means were used multiple range test of Tukey at 95% probability. During the growing season were evaluated the following variables: length of the stem to the first fruit (cm), days to flowering, number of fruits per plant and per plot, individual fruit weight (g) equatorial circumference (cm), number seed and fruit dry weight, percentage of empty seeds, pulp thickness (cm), yield per hectare (kg) and established the profitability of the treatments.
In assessing the percentage of germination are not significant differences between variables, treatment T3 (2m x 2.5 m) was numerically higher 95.83% in the variable stem length if statistical differences between treatments being the longest T2 (2.0 mx 2.0 m) to 88.85 cm in the variable number of guides exist statistically significant differences remain the best Q4 (2.0 mx 3.0 m) with 5.85 guides in the guides are presented along highly significant differences, being T3 treatment increased (2.0 mx 2.5 m), 7.42 m.
Performing variance analysis shows that we found highly significant differences in the number of plants per plot, T1 (2.0 mx 1.5 m), 34, T2 (2.0 mx 2.0 m), 26; T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m), 23; T4 (2.0 mx 3.0 m), 19.25. In assessing the number of fruits per plot was noticed statistically significant differences between treatment means being in T1 (2.0 mx 1.5 m) the highest number of fruits, 150; in the variable number of fruits per plant, statistical differences were found between treatments being T4 (2.0 mx 3.0 m), the highest number of fruits per plant obtained with 6.74.
In the variable individual fruit weight were found statistically significant differences being the T2 (2.0 mx 2.0 m), which gained more weight 5761.35 g. In the equatorial circumference was numerically superior to T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m), with 0.80 cm. The number of seeds per fruit were found highly significant differences between treatment means being the T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m), the highest at 733.50 and the lowest seed Q4 (2.0 mx 3.0 m), with 691.25 seeds. The number of seeds is superior to other treatment T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m), 81.25 seeds. In the variable percentage of empty seeds is higher than the T1 (2.0 mx 1.5 m), with 11.63%, and lowest in T2 (2.0 mx 2.0 m), with 10.71%.
In the study of seed weight are highly significant differences between treatment means the T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m), which showed greater weight with 74.05 g. For the analysis of pulp thickness T3 (2.0 mx 2.5 m) was the best with 4.63 cm. Performance by the T2 plot (2.0 mx 2.0 m), is the best performer 774.53 kg. The yield per hectare are given the same answers the T2 (2.0 mx 2.0 m) was better with 107572.92 kg. The best value we have in the T1 (2.0 mx 1.5 m), with $ 164.50. The benefit was for the T1 (2.0 mx 1.5 m), 1.16.
The results obtained allow us to accept the hypotheses "The seeding rate of 2.0 m between rows and 1.5 m between plants will provide a greater production of pumpkin variety Unapal Bolo Green"and "The seeding rate of 2.0 m between rows and 1.5 m between plants will provide the best cost / benefit ratio”. En la Hacienda “Santa Mónica”, Km. 161/2 de la vía San Carlos Recinto Oro Verde, provincia de Los Ríos; cuya ubicación geográfica es de 1° 3´ 18´´ de latitud sur y de 79° 25´ 24´´ de longitud oeste, a una altura de 78 msnm. con una duración de 120 días, se llevó a efecto la investigación titulada “EFECTO DE VARIAS DENSIDADES DE SIEMBRA EN ZAPALLO (Cucúrbita moschata Duch.) VARIEDAD UNAPAL Bolo Verde”.
Los factores en estudio fueron, cuatro distancias de siembra en un diseño de Bloques completos al Azar (DBCA) con cuatro tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones, para determinar diferencias entre medias de tratamientos se emplearon la prueba de rangos múltiples de Tukey al 95% de probabilidad. Durante el desarrollo del cultivo se evaluaron las siguientes variables: longitud del tallo al primer fruto (cm); días a la floración; número de frutos por planta y por parcela; peso individual del fruto (gr); perímetro ecuatorial (cm); número de semilla y peso seco por fruto; porcentaje de semillas vanas; espesor de pulpa (cm); rendimiento por hectárea (Kg) y se estableció la rentabilidad de los tratamientos.
Al evaluar el porcentaje de germinación no se encuentran diferencias significativas entre las variables, el tratamiento T3 (2m x 2.5 m) fue superior numéricamente con 95.83%; en la variable longitud del tallo si se encontraron diferencias estadísticas entre los tratamientos siendo el de mayor longitud el T2 (2.0 m x 2.0 m) con 88.85 cm; en la variable número de guías existen diferencias estadísticas significativas siendo el mejor el T4 (2.0 m x 3.0 m) con 5.85 guías, en el largo de guías se presentan diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas, siendo mayor el tratamiento T3 (2.0 m x 2.5 m), con 7.42 m.