Evaluación del uso recreativo del área nacional de recreación parque “el lago"
Chang Gómez, José
Campoverde Campoverde, Gabriela Ximena
Gaibor Camba, Allison Matilde
Rubio Alarcón, Karla Isabel
The necessity of include people to open spaces with green areas and with recreation activities that promote the rational use of the resources, It is the sustainability of them. Have been an important point to carry out the evaluation of this place where has been implemented some tools like the application of surveys and charge capacity to endorse with bases the obtained results through of research. By means of analysis and the visitors’ profile can be deduced that it has a potential considerable demand and It is the reason to reduce the negative impacts and improve the positives ones to show a better offer. On the other hand, the implant of the touristic information points helps to a better diffusion of the information about other places and it will promote frequently visits’ demand. This type of activities would cause a link to generate employment to the bordering communities.