Señalización horizontal y vertical de una carretera. caso práctico: vía perimetral entre los km. 20 y 30, Guayaquil-Ecuador
Miranda Villena, Héctor
Intriago Almeida, Cindy
Sánchez Calderón, Luis
Santos, Eduardo
Based on the Traffic Signs and Markings manual by the Colombian Bureau of Transportation, the one
made by the INEN (Ecuadorian Institute of Normalization) and the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices) also based on the traffic accidents statistics on year 2009 published by the “Comisión
de Tránsito del Guayas” (CTG). The markings and signs on the “Vía Perimetral” street were evaluated
between km 20 and 30 on 3 specific spots where the most traffic accidents have occurred. From the latter
evaluation a design on traffic markings and signs was made with its proper economic proposal, with the
objective of solving traffic problems on these hot spots, comprehend the theory and criteria involving the
placing of traffic markings and signs and understand the justifications for the installation of a traffic