Extracción de caracteristicas y comparación de una huella digital
Kuonqui Bravo, Gira Gabriela
Sang-Wong Macias., Hilda Pamela
This project focuses on the extraction of the minucias that are marked in a fingerprint
such as bifurcations and endings so with them this fingerprint can be identified as true
or false according to a data base.
The procedure carried out in this project was developed in four stages; in the first stage
the fingerprint to be analyzed is improved, and then some methods of restoration are
In a second stage we captured the coordinates of the minucias found in the fingerprint.
Then in the third step, we proceed to perform the geometry to the fingerprint that is
being processed, this is to get a fingerprint as similar as possible to those found in the
database and then get its coordinates.
The last stage consists in making similarities comparison between the coordinates of the
original fingerprint and the fingerprint we performed the geometry to decide if it is
registered or not in the database and if it belongs or not the person who claims to be.