Evaluación “costo beneficio” ex ante del acuerdo can-ue en el sector exportador de banano ecuatoriano
Hidalgo Encalada, Diana Evelyn
Alvarez Ordoñez, Felipe
This study will evaluate the ex ante benefits and costs of the probable signature of the Association Agreement between Comunidad Andina de Naciones and the European Union for Ecuadorian exportations. From 1973, this Agreement has followed an analytical process which focuses into three main pillars: cooperation, political dialog and commerce. Nowadays Colombia and Peru are trading with the European Union since January 2009 due to the improvements of their economies, especially in exportations, in comparison with Ecuador and Bolivia. For Ecuador, first exporting banana country world-wide, is important to evaluate the benefits from the Agreement because this will help to increase and/or to improve quality processes and it may increase the volume of banana exportations per period. It is worth to mention that bananas are well known in foreign countries due to its nutritious benefits for the human being and its price in the international market.