Proyecto para la creación de un policlinico especializado en politraumatismo en el canton duran
Mazon Leon –Chang, Kerlly Yolanda
Plaza Martillo, Mario Angel
Guerrero Montenegro, Alicia Cristina
At present, patients with polytrauma have become the leading cause of death in people 20 to 40 years of age, period of life considered to be the most productive in all respects professional, academic, family, work, etc.. In Guangzhou last several health facilities such as hospital IESS, Diagnostic Center Women's Consular Parochial Schools and private care, but not all of these hospital centers specializing in treatment and prevention of polytrauma. With the creation of a specialized clinic in Canton polytraumatism Duran can assist those who suffer from some type of multiple that is relevant to a car accident or a domestic calamity. Moreover, the majority of polytrauma are predictable or preventable with effective prevention campaign could reduce the number of accidents or deaths.