Introducción y comercialización de la harina de malanga y sus derivados: tortillas y empanadas, en los mercados de Guayaquil y Quevedo
Almeida Andrade, Maria Fernanda
Chiang Guerra, Danixa
Zamora Maldonado, Pamela
Mejia Coronel, Marco Tulio
This project was performed with the purpose of knowing the acceptance of a new product on the market mainly
for the Ecuadorian canton of Guayaquil and Quevedo, where the question was being if Quevedo's market place
where they have greater knowledge of that tuber, since it is one of the places where most malanga occurs on the
contrary in the city Guayaquil is not well known but the existence of people who are willing to consume the finished
product because of the nutrition it offers.
The malanga is a tuber that goes through several processes to become flour, which is used as an ingredient for
the development of derivatives: empanadas and tortillas.
To determine the acceptability of the product were carried out surveys in two cities in which it was determined
that the product is accepted as such and fit for consumption by humans and there are people who consume products
for ready meal preparation and is willing to learn or new product.