Desarrollo turístico sostenible en las localidades de la zona circundante de la represa la esperanza
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Zambrano Farías, José Iván
Salvatierra Zambrano, Jennifer Estephania
The objective of this article is to analyze how to contribute to the promotion and sustainable tourism development of the communities in the area surrounding the La Esperanza dam, through the coordination of actions that strengthen tourism management capacities, for the generation of livelihoods with cultural, environmental, age and gender approach. The methodology was descriptive, field, making a diagnosis and characterization of the inhabitants of the sector. In the results obtained, execution strategies were designed to achieve sustainable tourism; as well as the transversal axes, which included the gender approach, sustainability, cultural heritage, territorial relevance, and accountability. Finally, sustainable tourism development can be achieved if all the actors involved seek the same objective, their integration becomes an important factor that allows achieving balance in the three axes, economic, social and environmental, which ultimately translates in better living conditions for all. El objetivo del artículo es presentar una propuesta para potencializar el desarrollo turístico sostenible en las comunidades de la zona circundante de la represa la Esperanza. La población abordada, fueron las comunidades de Altamira, Caña Chica, Chapulí, Corcovado, Bóveda, La Iguana, La Laguna, La Mina, La Rama, Puerto Alto y Potrerillo, donde se obtuvo una muestra de 115 personas, utilizando un muestreo por conveniencia. La técnica de recolección de datos fue una encuesta. La metodología fue de tipo descriptivo, de campo. Como resultados se obtuvo una descripción socioeconómica de las comunidades, se diseñaron estrategias de ejecución para lograr un turismo sostenible; como también los ejes transversales, que abarcan el enfoque de género, la sostenibilidad, el patrimonio cultural, pertinencia territorial, y la rendición de cuentas. Finalmente, se observó que estas comunidades presentan un desarrollo socioeconómico deficiente, por ende, hacen del turismo una actividad de crecimiento económico, buscando potencializar el desarrollo turístico.
PALABRAS CLAVES: Turismo; desarrollo sostenible; economía del medio ambiente; desarrollo y medio ambiente
The objective of this article is to present a proposal to promote sustainable tourism development in the communities of the area surrounding the Esperanza dam. The population approached were the communities of Altamira, Caña Chica, Chapulí, Corcovado, Bóveda, La Iguana, La Laguna, La Mina, La Rama, Puerto Alto and Potrerillo, where a sample of 115 people was obtained, using a convenience sampling. The data collection technique was a survey. The methodology was descriptive and field based. As results, a socioeconomic description of the communities was obtained, implementation strategies were designed to achieve sustainable tourism; as well as the transversal axes, which include the gender approach, sustainability, cultural heritage, territorial relevance, and accountability. Finally, it was observed that these communities present a deficient socioeconomic development, therefore, they make tourism an activity of economic growth, seeking to potentiate tourism development.
KEY WORDS: Tourism; sustainable development; environmental economics; development and environment