La gestión administrativa para el uso apropiado de los escenarios deportivos
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Saltos-López, Kleire
Roca-Piloso, Pedro
This work subscribes to the reflective critical paradigm of educational research and aims to develop an administrative management methodology for proper use of the sports venues of the Lay University "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí. 129 students of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sport are participating, through simple random selection criteria by stratification, where each year represents a stratum. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to carry out the research, in addition the instruments used in this were the survey questionnaire and the observation guide. Among the main results, it was found that there is an inappropriate use of the university's sports venues, as well as a lack of knowledge on the part of the staff for the maintenance and control of sports implements and scenarios, so the application of a new methodology of Administrative management is a viable option to improve the problem and thus contribute to the training of students in the aforementioned career. Once the implementation of the proposal is finalized, it is determined that it is essential that the management of the sports venues is under the responsibility of a person with a specialized profile in the area of sport, in addition to updating the sports policy according to the needs of the moment.
Keywords: Physical Education, University Sports, Administrative Management, Methodology, Sports Scenarios. Este trabajo se suscribe al paradigma crítico reflexivo de la investigación educativa y tiene como objetivo el elaborar una metodología de gestión administrativa para el uso adecuado de los escenarios deportivos de la Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí. Participan 129 estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía de la Actividad Física y Deporte, periodo (2021-1) mediante criterio de selección aleatoria simple por estratificación, en donde cada año representa un estrato. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos para la realización de la investigación, además los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de encuesta y la guía de observaciones. Entre los principales resultados se encontraron que existe un inadecuado uso de los escenarios deportivos de la universidad, así como falta de conocimiento por parte del personal para el mantenimiento y control de los implementos y escenarios deportivos, por lo que la aplicación de una nueva metodología de gestión administrativa es una opción viable para mejorar la problemática y así contribuir a la formación integral de las personas. Una vez finalizada la puesta en marcha de la propuesta se determina que es indispensable que el manejo de los escenarios deportivos esté bajo la responsabilidad de una persona con un perfil especializado en el área del deporte, además de actualizar la política deportiva de acuerdo a las necesidades del momento.
Palabras clave: Educación Física, Deporte Universitario, Gestión Administrativa, Metodología, Escenarios Deportivos.
This work subscribes to the reflective critical paradigm of educational research and aims to develop an administrative management methodology for proper use of the sports venues of the Lay University "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí. 129 students of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sport are participating, through simple random selection criteria by stratification, where each year represents a stratum. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to carry out the research, in addition the instruments used in this were the survey questionnaire and the observation guide. Among the main results, it was found that there is an inappropriate use of the university's sports venues, as well as a lack of knowledge on the part of the staff for the maintenance and control of sports implements and scenarios, so the application of a new methodology of Administrative management is a viable option to improve the problem and thus contribute to the training of students in the aforementioned career. Once the implementation of the proposal is finalized, it is determined that it is essential that the management of the sports venues is under the responsibility of a person with a specialized profile in the area of sport, in addition to updating the sports policy according to the needs of the moment.
Keywords: Physical Education, University Sports, Administrative Management, Methodology, Sports Scenarios.
Fecha de recepción: 13 de abril de 2022; Fecha de aceptación: 17 de junio de 2022; Fecha de publicación: 11 de julio de 2022.