Efecto de un coagulante natural para la remoción de la turbidez de las aguas residuales del cantón Chone, tercer trimestre del año 2018
Effect of a natural coagulant for the removal of the turbidity of the wastewater of the canton Chone, third quarter of the year 2018
Delgado-Mendoza, Viviana Alexandra
Moreira-Mendoza, Carlos
La presente investigación tiene como propósito evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de la turbiedad en aguas residuales utilizando un coagulante natural elaborado a base de semilla de tamarindus, indica que pueda sustituir el uso de los coagulantes tradicionales, como sales de hierro y aluminio en los procesos de coagulación- floculación y de esta manera promover una alternativa eficiente, económica, altamente amigable con el medio ambiente y la salud de las personas. Las muestras para realizar el presente estudio se obtuvieron del punto de ingreso de aguas residuales a la laguna de oxidación, procedentes de las 4 estaciones de bombeo con las que cuenta actualmente la ciudad: estación jardines del inca, estación santa marta, estación el vergel, estación amazonas durante el tercer trimestre del año 2018. Inicialmente se analizaron los factores temperatura, salinidad y dosis de harina de semillas de tamarindo para preparar el coagulante óptimo y determinar el mejor tratamiento de las aguas residuales de la laguna de oxidación mediante análisis de test de jarra y turbiedad en el laboratorio de la Carrera de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí y los análisis finales se realizaron en el laboratorio de aguas de la Fabril S.A. Como resultado del estudio, se pudo comprobar que después de la aplicación del coagulante natural la turbiedad se redujo hasta el 77%. Así mismo, se logran reducir además de la turbidez valores de demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (BDO), sólidos suspendidos (SS), hierro y sílice.
Palabras clave: Coagulación, turbidez, coagulante, tamarindus indica.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of removal of turbidity in wastewater using a natural coagulant made from tamarindus seed that can substitute the use of traditional coagulants such as iron and aluminum salts in coagulation processes. flocculation and in this way promote an efficient, economic, highly friendly alternative to the environment and the health of people. The samples to carry out the present study were obtained from the point of entry of wastewater to the oxidation lagoon, from the 4 pumping stations that the city currently has: the gardens of the Inca station, Santa Marta station, El Vergel station, amazon season during the third quarter of 2018. Initially the factors temperature, salinity and dose of tamarind seed flour were analyzed to prepare the optimal coagulant and determine the best treatment of the residual waters of the oxidation lagoon by means of test analysis of pitcher and turbidity in the laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Career of the Technical University of Manabí and the final analyzes were carried out in the laboratory of aguas de la Fabril S.A. As a result of the study, it was found that after the application of the natural coagulant turbidity was reduced to 77%, values of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BDO), suspended solids (SS), iron and silica are achieved in addition to turbidity.
Keywords: Coagulation, turbidity, coagulant, tamarindus indica.
Fecha de recepción: 15 de abril de 2019; Fecha de aceptación: 04 de julio de 2019; Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio de 2019. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of removal of turbidity in wastewater using a natural coagulant made from tamarindus seed that can substitute the use of traditional coagulants such as iron and aluminum salts in coagulation processes. flocculation and in this way promote an efficient, economic, highly friendly alternative to the environment and the health of people. The samples to carry out the present study were obtained from the point of entry of wastewater to the oxidation lagoon, from the 4 pumping stations that the city currently has: the gardens of the Inca station, Santa Marta station, El Vergel station, amazon season during the third quarter of 2018. Initially the factors temperature, salinity and dose of tamarind seed flour were analyzed to prepare the optimal coagulant and determine the best treatment of the residual waters of the oxidation lagoon by means of test analysis of pitcher and turbidity in the laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Career of the Technical University of Manabí and the final analyzes were carried out in the laboratory of aguas de la Fabril S.A. As a result of the study, it was found that after the application of the natural coagulant turbidity was reduced to 77%, values of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BDO), suspended solids (SS), iron and silica are achieved in addition to turbidity.
Keywords: Coagulation, turbidity, coagulant, tamarindus indica.