Campus virtual en educación no escolarizada, laborales y culturales de las PPL del Centro De Rehabilitación Social El Rodeo
Virtual campus in non-school, labor and cultural education of the PPL of The Rodeo Social Rehabilitation Center
Mero-Espinal, Alexander Joel
Vélez-Cevallos, Jéssica Johanna
El propósito de este trabajo es implementar un campus virtual que aporte al fortalecimiento de las capacidades en educación no escolarizada, laborales y culturales de las Personas Privadas de Libertad (PPL) del Centro de Rehabilitación Social el Rodeo de la ciudad de Portoviejo, mediante la implementación de aulas virtuales a través de las herramientas de la web 2.0, logrando facilitar la gestión de cursos por parte de los administrativos del centro penitenciario hacia la población penitenciaria. La metodología de este trabajo es de observación. Así, se trata de una investigación de campo y aplicada. Se emplea un análisis documental basado en la revisión de diversos tipos de artículos y textos provenientes que poseen fundamentos teóricos sólidos. Además, se realizó una encuesta a 12 personas privadas de libertad (PPL) en el Centro de Rehabilitación Social el Rodeo de la ciudad de Portoviejo. Se concluye que la implementación del campus virtual da como resultado una mejora en los procesos de enseñanza por los beneficios que esta brinda.
Palabras clave: campus virtual, PPL, rehabilitación social, El Rodeo, educación no escolarizada.
The purpose of this work is to implement a virtual campus that contributes to the strengthening of capacities in non-school, labor and cultural education of People Deprived of Liberty (PPL) of the El Rodeo Social Rehabilitation Center of the city of Portoviejo, by implementing of virtual classrooms through web 2.0 tools, facilitating the management of courses by the prison administration to the prison population. The methodology of this work is observational. Thus, it is a field and applied research. A documentary analysis is used based on the review of various types of articles and texts that have solid theoretical foundations. In addition, a survey was conducted of 12 persons deprived of liberty (PPL) at the El Rodeo Social Rehabilitation Center in the city of Portoviejo. It is concluded that the implementation of the virtual campus results in an improvement in the teaching processes due to the benefits it provides.
Keywords: virtual campus, PPL, social rehabilitation, El Rodeo, non-school education.
Fecha de recepción: 18 de abril de 2019; Fecha de aceptación: 05 de julio de 2019; Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio de 2019. The purpose of this work is to implement a virtual campus that contributes to the strengthening of capacities in non-school, labor and cultural education of People Deprived of Liberty (PPL) of the El Rodeo Social Rehabilitation Center of the city of Portoviejo, by implementing of virtual classrooms through web 2.0 tools, facilitating the management of courses by the prison administration to the prison population. The methodology of this work is observational. Thus, it is a field and applied research. A documentary analysis is used based on the review of various types of articles and texts that have solid theoretical foundations. In addition, a survey was conducted of 12 persons deprived of liberty (PPL) at the El Rodeo Social Rehabilitation Center in the city of Portoviejo. It is concluded that the implementation of the virtual campus results in an improvement in the teaching processes due to the benefits it provides.
Keywords: virtual campus, PPL, social rehabilitation, El Rodeo, non-school education.