Mirada de la mujer desde la sombra de su padre: dos caras de la misma moneda
Look of the woman from the shadow of her father: two faces of the same coin
Haro-Lara, Aída Patricia
Poaquiza-Poaquiza, Ángel Patricio
Quiroga-López, Malena Karina
Altamirano-Altamirano, Silvia
El objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer el impacto que tiene la imagen paterna en las mujeres que han ocupado cargos directivos a nivel universitario. La investigación fue cualitativa con enfoque interpretativo a través del uso de la entrevista semiestructurada y la observación participativa aplicada a un grupo de mujeres académicas que se encontraban ocupando cargos directivos. Este proceso responde a uno de los objetivos de un proyecto de investigación que engloba a dos universidades del Ecuador, tanto de la región Interandina y de la Costa. Se abordaron aspectos relacionados con la teoría sociológica, especialmente para la definición de género, término necesario para poder desarrollar el trabajo y a su vez recaer en la conclusión que señala que la imagen paterna ha sido decisoria para que mujeres académicas lleguen a ocupar y se mantengan en cargos de poder a nivel universitario, gracias a la trascendencia del hombre en el rol de padre, perdiendo la mujer su propia libertad.
Palabras Claves: Academia, cargos de poder, figura paterna, género, patriarcado.
The objective of the present work is to establish the impact that the paternal image has on women who have held managerial positions at the university level. The research was qualitative with an interpretive approach through the use of the semi-structured interview and participatory observation applied to a group of academic women who are occupying administrative positions. This process responds to one of the objectives of a research project that encompasses two universities in Ecuador, both the Inter-Andean region and the Coast. Aspects related to sociological theory were addressed especially for the definition of gender term necessary to be able to carry out the work and in turn be able to fall back on the conclusion that the paternal image has been decisive for academic women to get to occupy and remain in positions of power at the university level. Thanks to the transcendence of the man in the role of father, the woman losing her own freedom.
Keywords: Academy, positions of power, father figure, gender, patriarchy.
Recibido: 03 de diciembre de 2019 Aceptado: 06 de enero de 2020 Publicado: 09 de enero de 2020 The objective of the present work is to establish the impact that the paternal image has on women who have held managerial positions at the university level. The research was qualitative with an interpretive approach through the use of the semi-structured interview and participatory observation applied to a group of academic women who are occupying administrative positions. This process responds to one of the objectives of a research project that encompasses two universities in Ecuador, both the Inter-Andean region and the Coast. Aspects related to sociological theory were addressed especially for the definition of gender term necessary to be able to carry out the work and in turn be able to fall back on the conclusion that the paternal image has been decisive for academic women to get to occupy and remain in positions of power at the university level. Thanks to the transcendence of the man in the role of father, the woman losing her own freedom.
Keywords: Academy, positions of power, father figure, gender, patriarchy.