Creación de un medio comunitario a través de la red social WhatsApp en el Recinto Tres Postes
Haro Brigss, Domenica Michelle
López Ramos, Ronny Alejandro
Tres Postes is a precinct in the province of Guayas (Ecuador), dedicated to agriculture and the sale of typical dishes on the Pan-American Highway. Documentary information related to its history, beliefs, traditions and other cultural factors that allow to know its cultural and ancestral richness related to legends, rituals and history are scarce. In addition, the research conducted in this study shows the parallelism and contradictions that exist between the founders of the precinct and the younger generations who are unaware of their roots and oral stories. The main objective, through data collection, involves the development of a communicative product (podcast) that disseminates the ancestral knowledge, traditions and history of the Tres Postes precinct, through the creation of a community media using the WhatsApp application to share the content from the voices and perspectives of its inhabitants. The methodology used is qualitative, resorting to the techniques of documentary review, participant observation, and in-depth interviews with the inhabitants. The results obtained in the field work constitute a basis for future research. In short, the dissemination of the podcasts is intended to promote collective memory and set precedents for a new form of community media.