Desarrollo de un prototipo de máquina despulpadora capaz de extraer las semillas y la corteza de algunas frutas tropicales
Bone Pilataxi, Cristina Daniela
Morán Vera, Samuel Efraín
The objective of this project is to develop a prototype pulping machine for certain tropical and subtropical fruits for the economic and financial growth of farmers in the Simón Bolívar town. The elaboration of this model is based on an exhaustive investigation on the needs and demands that take place in the rural areas of the province of Guayas, and in this way the static structural analysis and finite elements of a guava pulping machine is proposed, which is in charge of transforming the raw material, guava fruit, into guava pulp. For this, the behavior of the main or critical elements in the SolidWorks software was simulated according to the different loads that interact in the elements that make up the machine. With respect to the procedure, first the raw material was characterized and the maximum capacity of our machine was calculated, to then analyze the critical case in each of the relevant elements.