Estudio de las motivaciones para el uso de redes sociales en adolescentes entre 12 a 15 años de la Unidad Educativa Particular Santo Domingo de Guzmán, cantón Gualaceo: periodo 2022-2023
Caguana Quito, Jennifer Elisa
Pacheco Sarmiento, Erika Jessenia
Currently, social networks have become an essential tool for communication in society, especially in adolescents, which is why the motivations for the use of these platforms are: being part of a group of friends, sharing content, knowing the latest fashion trends, academic purposes, entertainment and meeting new people, thus dedicating 5 to 6 hours to these social networks in women and an average of 1:30 to 5:00 hours in men, the places in which they use them are when they are alone, at night, with friends, at school and in some cases all the time.