Diseño y análisis de una mezcla de hormigón hidráulico de alta resistencia para la elaboración de rejillas de sumideros viales
Mena Jaramillo, Alcides Fernando
Obando Santillán, Stalin Andrés
Concrete being the most used material in construction. In this investigation, the objective was the elaboration of a concrete mixture that exceeds 80 Mpa with which a prototype of a road drain grid was elaborated that was built entirely with this unique material. The research takes into account the quality of the materials and their availability on the market in the country. To achieve this objective, different designs were made with a variation in the amount of silica fume and incorporating a high-range water reducing additive following the specifications of the ACI 363R 10 standard. For the preparation of the road drain grate, it was made with similar dimensions to the traditional iron road drain grates. Resulting in a high-resistance concrete of 80.76 MPa that was later used to develop the road drain grid prototype that as a result supported a load of 59.2 kN that does not comply the requirements specified by the NTE INEN 2496.2009 standard.