Manejo agronómico del cultivo de mamey colorado (Pouteria sapota)
Villegas Chora, Germán Benigno
This research details the agronomic management of the cultivation of red mamey (Pouteria sapota), the fruit of the mamey sapote tree is consumed fresh and is highly appreciated for its organoleptic characteristics, in our country farmers do not grow it because they do not consider it as a profitable crop. Among the conclusions, it is determined that the seed is used in a medicinal, cosmetic and nutritional way as semisolid petroleum jelly, soaps and pharmaceutical products. In addition, the seed is administered orally to counteract kidney diseases and as an antirheumatic, the latex produced by the tree has anthelmintic and emetic properties, and in some places it is used to remove warts and fungi from the skin. This research details the agronomic management of the cultivation of red mamey (Pouteria sapota), the fruit of the mamey sapote tree is consumed fresh and is highly appreciated for its organoleptic characteristics, in our country farmers do not grow it because they do not consider it as a profitable crop. Among the conclusions, it is determined that the seed is used in a medicinal, cosmetic and nutritional way as semisolid petroleum jelly, soaps and pharmaceutical products. In addition, the seed is administered orally to counteract kidney diseases and as an antirheumatic, the latex produced by the tree has anthelmintic and emetic properties, and in some places it is used to remove warts and fungi from the skin. La presente investigación detalla el manejo agronómico del cultivo de mamey colorado (Pouteria sapota), el fruto del árbol de zapote mamey es consumido en fresco y es muy apreciado por sus características organolépticas, en nuestro país los agricultores no lo cultivan porque no lo consideran como un cultivo rentable. Entre las conclusiones se determinan que la semilla es utilizada de manera medicinal, cosmética y alimenticia como vaselina semisólida, jabones y productos farmacéuticos. Además, la semilla se administra vía oral para contrarrestar enfermedades renales y como antirreumático, el látex producido por el árbol posee propiedades antihelmínticas y eméticas, y en algunos lugares se emplea para remover verrugas y hongos de la piel.